Mid-American Historical Security Councils
April 26-27, 2025
Dexter High School
2200 N Parker Rd, Dexter, MI 48130

MAHSC 2025
Security Council Topics
1956: The Suez Canal
1967: The Six Days War
1993: The Bosnian War
League of Nations Topic
1935: Italian Invasion of Abyssinia
Our staff has worked to prepare overviews on our agenda topics to help you get started on your research. Click on the topic information button below to be redirected to the background guides and overview information.
The fee for this conference is $60 per delegate and includes lunch on both days.
Students are on their own for breakfast and dinner.
3200 Boardwalk Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
$149 a night. A shuttle will be provided from the hotel to the high school for schools that need it.
Block closes March 28th, 2025
The reservation link will be available after registration.
Schools are not required to stay in this or any hotel.
Dexter High School
2200 N Parker Rd, Dexter, MI 48130
Travel back in time….
During the Mid-American Historical Security Councils, delegates are taken back in time to debate a real crisis that the real United Nations Security Council faced in the past.
Delegates represent the countries that sat on the Security Council at the time of the original crisis. The simulation will begin at real point in history around the beginning of the crisis, however, history is not set in stone. Delegates have the opportunity to follow a path similar to reality or to break new ground in working towards an alternate conclusion to the crisis.
Delegates are expected to act according to the policies of their countries at that point in history.
To prepare, delegates should understand:
How and why the crisis began
The results of the actual crisis and how the real Security Council responded (or failed to respond)
Their country’s policy priorities and alliances at the time
9:30 a.m. Registration
10:15 a.m. Opening
10:30 a.m. Councils begin
5:00 p.m. Sessions end for day
9:00 a.m. Sessions begin
1:00 p.m. Closing Session