A Guide to Position Papers
Position Papers
General Approach to Position Papers
Position papers allow a delegate to detail their country’s policy on a specific topic. They can take a general approach to an entire topic or can focus on a specific problem. Position papers are important to ensure delegates conduct research before the conference as well as to assist delegates in organizing their stance and to convey their position to the chair and eventually the committee.
In order to write a position paper, delegates must research what their particular country’s position on a topic is. Developing a position requires delegates to draw upon their knowledge of the issue as well as their country in order to formulate a policy that is both realistic and creative. Position papers are a guide for delegates through the conference so it is the best practice to give a realistic portrayal of a country’s stance on the topic.
Use the guidelines listed below to put a position paper in the proper format.
Position Paper Format for MAGEC Conferences:
Position Papers are graded based on four categories: background information, policy, proposal, and grammar/spelling.
Background Information: provide a brief summary of the events that have occurred and the actions that the international community has taken to address the topic.
Policy: what is your country's current position? Explain your country's involvement in the topic. Consider including any notable quotes from your country's leaders, statistics, or other information to support your country's involvement in the topic.
Proposal: explain how your country intends to help resolve the topic. What actions does your country want to see the committee address?
Grammar and Spelling: a model Position Paper should be thoroughly reviewed for grammar and spelling errors. Repeated errors may result in a lowered score.
Limit the content to three paragraphs or less (maximum of 400 words).
Content exceeding 400 words will not be considered.
Submission of Position Papers:
Some important items to keep in mind when submitting position papers:
Position Papers are only accepted by online submission. Check the Deadlines page to make certain work is submitted on time.
Position Papers will be submitted via Jotform.
Delegates must submit one form for each topic in their committee.
Make absolutely sure only one topic is selected per submission.
Do not submit position papers as google docs, please copy and paste the text into the form.
Make sure all information is correct before submitting.
The name entered on this form will be used for credentials at each respective conference.
Position Papers are required from each delegate in order to be eligible for an award. The Best Prepared School Award will be significantly influenced by the quality and content of the submitted Position Papers.