On Friday and Saturday at MAMUN, delegates represent their assigned countries as special negotiators in an evolving international crisis. Unlike regular committee sessions, delegates are empowered to recommend that their home government use economic, diplomatic, and military resources to resolve the crisis.
Crisis simulations continue over several sessions. Each session lasts two hours. At the end of each two-hour session, the delegates are updated on the status of the crisis. The next group of delegates begins the next session where the last group left off.
Delegates are encouraged to think creatively about how their country would actually respond to the crisis, cooperate with regional allies, build coalitions, and develop group consensus on a multilateral response. Delegate actions ultimately decide the fate of the scenario.
Crisis topics are revealed to delegates upon the beginning of each crisis session and are based on current issues facing the international community, including crises related to health, terrorism, cybersecurity, economic disasters, diplomatic standoffs, interstate conflict, civil wars, and more.